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wolf's kompaktkiste

. richard d. james .

+ . afx . + . aphex twin . + . caustic window . + . gak . + . polygon window .

. richard d. james .



. aphex twin - xylem tube ep .
(06.1992 r&s rs 9209) 12"
black side   1. polynomial-c
silver side  1. phlange phace
             2. dodeccaheedron
rs9209a rs9209b rs9209lp1

. polygon window - (surfing on sine waves) .
(1992 warp warp cd7) cd
01  00:02:00  05:27:70  (0.1)  polygon window
02  05:29:70  04:40:47  (0.2)  audax powder
03  10:10:42  05:36:68  (0.3)  quoth
04  15:47:35  07:03:32  (0.4)  if it really is me
05  22:50:67  04:07:25  (0.5)  supremacy ii
06  26:58:17  05:20:53  (0.6)  ut1-dot
07  32:18:70  06:25:35  (0.7)  
08  38:44:30  06:02:47  (0.8)  quixote
09  44:47:02  04:43:73  (0.9)  quino - phec 
cd  49:29:00
warpcd7cd1 warpcd7cd2 warpcd7cd3 warpcd7cd5

. polygon window - quoth .
(22.03.1993 warp wap 33cd 10223271 01) cd
01  00:02:00  05:36:70  (0,1) quoth (original) 
02  05:38:70  04:30:57  (0,2) iteka
03  10:09:52  07:58:03  (0,3) quoth (wooden thump mix) 
04  18:07:55  05:58:37  (0,4) bike pump meets bucket 
05  24:06:17  06:49:20  (0,5) quoth (+/- mix) 
cd  30:53:37
wap33cd2 wap33cd1

. polygon window - quoth .
(03.1993 warp wap33) 12" clear vinyl
a1  quoth (original) 
a2  iteka
b1  quoth (wooden thump mix) 
b2  bike pump meets bucket 
wap33a wap33b

. aphex twin - selected ambient works 85-92 .
(1993 apollo amb 3922 cd) cd
01  00:02:32  04:54:10  xtal
02  04:56:42  09:07:08  tha
03  14:03:50  03:48:02  pulsewidth
04  17:51:52  05:23:10  ageispolis
05  23:14:62  01:17:30  i
06  24:32:17  06:05:15  green calx
07  30:37:32  04:53:60  heliosphan
08  35:31:17  07:43:38  we are the music makers
09  43:14:55  05:08:55  schottkey 7th path
10  48:23:35  07:14:22  ptolemy
11  55:37:57  06:03:68  hedphelym
12  61:41:50  05:29:12  delphium
13  67:10:62  07:36:08  actium
cd  74:44:70
amb3922cd5 amb3922cd6 amb3922cd1 amb3922cd3

. aphex twin - selected ambient works 85-92 .
(1993 apollo amb3922) 2x12"
a1  xtal
a2  tha
a3  pulsewidth

b1  ageispolis
b2  i
b3  green calx
b4  heliosphan

c1  we are the music makers
c2  schottkey 7th path
c3  ptolemy

d1  hedphelym
d2  delphium
d3  actium
amb3922lpa amb3922lpb amb3922lpc amb3922lpd

. aphex twin - on .
(15.11.1993 warp wap39cd) cd
01  00:02:00  07:12:67  on
02  07:14:67  04:19:03  73-yips
03  11:33:70  06:58:60  d-scape
04  18:32:55  05:46:20  xepha
cd  24:17:00
wap39cd1 wap39cd2

. aphex twin - on remixes .
(15.11.1993 warp wap39cdr) cd
01  00:02:00  10:42:12  on d-scape mix
02  10:44:12  07:07:65  on (reload mix)
03  17:52:02  08:44:58  on (μ-ziq mix)
04  26:36:60  06:53:05  on 28 mix
cd  33:27:65
wap39cdr1 wap39cdr2

. aphex twin - on .
(1993 warp / sire / warner bros. 9 41217-2) cd
01  00:02:32  06:52:20  on
02  06:54:52  04:15:48  73-yips
03  11:10:25  05:37:65  xepha
04  16:48:15  07:07:65  on (reload mix)
cd  23:54:05
941217cd1 941217cd2

. afx - analogue bubblebath .
(1994 tvt tvt 4810) cd
01  00:02:32  04:41:60  analogue bubblebath
02  04:44:17  05:20:33  isoprophlex
03  10:04:50  04:22:47  entrance to exit
04  14:27:22  05:26:33  a f x 2
cd  19:51:55

. aphex twin - words & music .
(1994 sire pro-cd-6878 / warner / warp) cd
01  00:02:32  00:21:43  intro words
02  00:24:00  07:15:22  track #1
03  07:39:22  00:32:73  words
04  08:12:20  07:55:00  track #2
05  16:07:20  00:47:20  words
06  16:54:40  05:50:17  track #7
07  22:44:57  00:22:58  words
08  23:07:40  05:02:47  words (processed)
cd  28:08:12
procd6878cd5 procd6878cd6 procd6878cd3

. aphex twin - selected ambient works ii .
(03.1994 warp warp21cd / rtd 126.1670.2) 2xcd
01  00:02:00  07:20:23    01  00:02:00  07:19:73
02  07:22:23  06:27:50    02  07:21:73  08:00:40
03  13:49:73  07:36:52    03  15:22:38  05:33:70
04  21:26:50  04:34:63    04  20:56:33  04:45:52
05  26:01:38  08:46:34    05  25:42:10  02:05:23
06  34:47:72  03:27:63    06  27:47:33  07:16:62
07  38:15:60  08:42:50    07  35:04:20  05:57:40
08  46:58:35  05:03:23    08  41:01:60  04:15:30
09  52:01:58  06:47:62    09  45:17:15  07:09:40
10  58:49:45  09:48:10    10  52:26:55  07:30:30
11  68:37:55  07:10:60    11  59:57:10  11:27:18
12  75:48:40  02:38:50    12  71:24:28  05:39:47
cd  78:25:15    one       cd  77:02:00    two
rtd12616702cd1 rtd12616702cd2 rtd12616702cd3 rtd12616702cd4 rtd12616702cd5 rtd12616702cd6

. aphex twin - selected ambient works ii .
(03.1994 warp warp21lp) 3x12"
a1     c1     e1
a2     c2     e2
a3     c3     e3
a4     c4     e4
b1     d1     f1
b2     d2     f2  
b3     d3     f3
b4     d4     f4
warp21a warp21b warp21c
warp21d warp21e warp21f

. gak .
(16.06.1994 warp warp48cd) cd
01 00:02:00 06:39:67 gak 1
02 06:41:67 06:17:40 gak 2
03 12:59:32 05:26:00 gak 3
04 18:25:32 06:04:30 gak 4
cd 24:27:62 
wap48cd1 wap48cd2 wap48cd3

. aphex twin - classics .
(1995 r&s rs 95035 / rough trade rtd 119.3007.2 / 5411659160352) cd
01  00:02:32  07:11:35  digeridoo
02  07:13:67  07:00:33  flaphead
03  14:14:25  05:33:17  phloam
04  19:47:42  06:23:68  isoprophlex
05  26:11:35  04:46:22  polynomial-c
06  30:57:57  06:31:20  tamphex (hedphuq mix)
07  37:29:02  05:22:25  phlange phace
08  42:51:27  06:08:53  dodeccaheedron
09  49:00:05  04:46:20  analogue bubblebath i
10  53:46:25  04:33:32  metapharstic
11  58:19:57  04:23:05  we have arrived (aphex twin qqt mix)
12  62:42:62  05:06:70  we have arrived (aphex twin tqq mix)
13  67:49:57  06:21:23  digeridoo (live in cornwall, 1990)
cd  74:09:05
rtd11930072cd5 rtd11930072cd6 rtd11930072cd3 rtd11930072cd1 rtd11930072cd2

. aphex twin - classics .
(1995 r&s rs 95035 lp) 2x12"
a1  digeridoo
a2  flaphead
a3  phloam
b1  isoprophlex
b2  polynomial-c
b3  tamphex (hedphuq mix)
c1  phlange phace
c2  dodeccaheedron
c3  analogue bubblebath i
d1  metapharstic
d2  we have arrived (aphex twin qqt mix)
d3  we have arrived (aphex twin tqq mix)
d4  digeridoo (live in cornwall, 1990)
rs95035lp1 rs95035lp2
rs95035lpa rs95035lpb rs95035lpc rs95035lpd

. aphex twin - ventolin e.p. .
(27.03.1995 warp wap60cd / rtd 126.3023.3) cd
01  00:02:32  05:46:43  ventolin (salbutamol mix)
02  05:49:00  03:21:57  ventolin praze-an-beeble mix
03  09:10:57  02:10:15  ventolin marazanvose mix
04  11:20:72  04:37:70  ventolin plain-an-gwarry mix
05  15:58:67  04:35:70  ventolin the coppice mix
06  20:34:62  05:52:45  ventolin crowsmengegus mix
cd  26:25:32
rtd12630233cd2 rtd12630233cd1

. aphex twin - ventolin e.p. (the remixes) .
(27.03.1995 warp wap60cdr / rtd 126.3323.3) cd
01  00:02:32  07:14:30  ventolin (wheeze mix)
02  07:16:62  02:54:00  ventolin carharrack mix
03  10:10:62  04:15:63  ventolin probus mix
04  14:26:50  05:06:00  ventolin (cylob mix)
05  19:32:50  06:21:40  ventolin (deep gong mix) (luke vibert)
06  25:54:15  01:40:17  ventolin (asthma beats mix)
cd  27:32:32
rtd12633233cd2 rtd12633233cd1

. aphex twin - ventolin .
(1995 warp 66143-2) cd
01  00:02:32  05:46:18  ventolin (salbutamol mix)
02  05:48:50  03:21:47  ventolin praze-an-beeble mix
03  09:10:22  02:12:50  ventolin marazanvose mix
04  11:22:72  04:37:70  ventolin plain-an-gwarry mix
05  16:00:67  04:35:70  ventolin the coppice mix
06  20:36:62  05:54:65  ventolin crowsmengegus mix
07  26:31:52  07:14:00  ventolin (wheeze mix)
08  33:45:52  02:53:65  ventolin carharrack mix
09  36:39:42  04:15:03  ventolin probus mix
10  40:54:45  05:05:72  ventolin (cylob mix)
11  46:00:42  06:21:40  ventolin (deep gong mix) (luke vibert)
12  52:22:07  01:39:38  ventolin (asthma beats mix)
cd  53:59:45
661432cd3 661432cd1 661432cd2

. aphex twin - i care because you do .
(1995 warp warp30cd / sire 61790-2) cd
01  00:02:32  07:38:28  a 1 acrid avid jam shred (1994) 
02  07:40:60  04:49:60  a 2 the woxen pith (93) 
03  12:30:45  04:18:65  a 3 wax the nip (90) 
04  16:49:35  06:07:10  b 1 icct hedral (edit) (94) 
05  22:56:45  04:29:17  b 2 ventolin (video version) (94) 
06  27:25:62  05:44:48  b 3 come on you slags (90) 
07  33:10:35  06:05:30  3 1 start as you mean to go on (93) 
08  39:15:65  05:17:27  3 2 wet tip hen ax (94) 
09  44:33:17  03:51:33  3 3 mookid (94) 
10  48:24:50  05:10:55  4 1 alberto balsam (94) 
11  53:35:30  05:33:45  4 2 cow cud is a twin (94) 
12  59:09:00  04:43:02  4 3 next heap with (93) 
cd  63:50:02

. aphex twin - i care because you do .
(04.1995 warp warplp30) 2x12"
a1  acrid avid jamshred
a2  the waxen pith
a3  wax the nip
b1  icct hedral edit
b2  ventolin videoversion
b3  come on you slags
c1  start as you mean to go on
c2  wet tip hen ax
c3  mookid
d1  alberto balsam
d2  cow cud is a twin
d3  next heap with
warplp30a warplp30b
warplp30c warplp30d

. aphex twin / philip glass .
(1995 warp wap63) 12" promo
wap63pa wap63pb

. aphex twin - donkey rhubarb .
(14.08.1995 warp wap63cd / rtd 126.3091.3) cd
01  00:02:32  06:08:13  donkey rhubarb
02  06:10:45  05:49:60  vaz deferenz
03  12:00:30  08:05:55  icct hedral (philip glass orchestration)
04  20:06:10  04:31:22  pancake lizard
cd  24:35:32
rtd12630913cd2 rtd12630913cd1

. afx - hangable auto bulb ep .
(1995 warp wap67) 12" promo
wap67pa wap67pb

. afx - hangable auto bulb ep .
(16.10.1995 warp wap 67) 12"
a01  children talking. 5.20
a02  hangable auto bulb. 6.49
b01  laughable butane bob. 2.58
b02  bit. 0.06
b03  custodian discount. 4.28
b04  wabby legs. 4.25 
wap67a wap67b

. aphex twin - 51/13 singles collection .
(jp 1996 wea 7559620242 / sire) cd
01  00:02:00  06:52:72  on
02  06:54:72  04:31:23  pancake lizard
03  11:26:20  01:41:55  ventolin (crowsmangegus mix edit)
04  13:08:00  05:06:42  ventolin (cylob mix)
05  18:14:42  05:59:65  donkey rhubarb
06  24:14:32  06:20:28  ventolin (deep gong mix)
07  30:34:60  04:16:05  73 yips
08  34:50:65  07:57:50  icct hedral (philip glass orchestration)
09  42:48:40  03:21:32  ventolin (marazavose mix edit)
10  46:09:72  01:43:00  ventolin (asthma beats mix)
11  47:52:72  02:52:45  ventolin (carharrack mix)
12  50:45:42  00:38:68  respect list
cd  51:22:35

. mike & rich - expert knob twiddlers .
(06.1996 rephlex cat027cd) cd
01  00:02:00  06:51:15  mr frosty
02  06:53:15  06:30:20  jelly fish
03  13:23:35  04:07:45  eggy toast
04  17:31:05  05:57:65  reg
05  23:28:70  04:12:27  vodka
06  27:41:22  05:44:38  winner takes all
07  33:25:60  06:22:60  giant deflating football
08  39:48:45  03:31:00  upright kangaroo
09  43:19:45  07:46:25  the sound of beady eyes
10  51:05:70  06:51:05  bu bu bu ba
cd  57:55:00
cat027cd1 cat027cd2 cat027cd3 cat027cd4 cat027cd5

. mike flowers pops meets the aphex twin - downtownin "the freebase connection" .
(07.1996 lo recordings loep02cd / 5021904046128) cd

01  00:02:00  02:42:60  mike flowers pops - freebase (original version)
02  02:44:60  05:49:45  the aphex twin / mfp - debase (soft debate)
03  08:34:30  03:52:50  the mellowtrons / mfp - rebass 
04  12:27:05  06:23:47  luke vibert / mfp - mfp chunks 
05  18:50:52  05:15:58  slang / mfp - pound your ironing board 
06  24:06:35  05:41:02  funki porcini / mfp - freebass (cocaine donut)
07  29:47:37  05:01:18  perry de chico / mfp - freebassix 
cd  34:46:55

loep02cd0 loep02cd5 loep02cd6 loep02cd1 loep02cd7

. aphex twin - girl/boy e.p. .
(10.1996 warp wap78cd / rtd 126.3195.3) cd
01  00:02:32  04:52:15  girl boy mls mix
02  04:54:47  04:08:70  milk man
03  09:03:42  01:24:28  inkey$
04  10:27:70  01:57:42  girl boy £18 snarerushmix
05  12:25:37  01:31:08  beetles
06  13:56:45  01:40:65  girl boy redruthmix
cd  15:35:35
rtd12631953cd2.jpg rtd12631953cd1.jpg

. aphex twin - girl/boy e.p. .
(08.1996 warp wap78) 12"
a1  girl boy mls mix
a2  milk man
b1  inkey$
b2  girl boy £18 snarerushmix
b3  beetles
b4  girl boy redruthmix
wap78a wap78b

. aphex twin - richard d. james album .
(11.1996 warp warp43cd / rtd 126.3196.2 42) cd
01  00:02:32  03:37:10  4
02  03:39:42  02:14:63  cornish acid
03  05:54:30  03:05:07  peek 824545201
04  08:59:37  03:48:65  fingerbib
05  12:48:27  02:33:28  corn mouth
06  15:21:55  04:03:62  to cure a weakling child
07  19:25:42  02:02:35  goon gumpos
08  21:28:02  03:04:68  yello calx
09  24:32:70  04:52:62  girl/boy song
10  29:25:57  03:33:53  logon-rack witch
cd  32:57:35
rtd12631962cd1 rtd12631962cd2 rtd12631962cd3 rtd12631962cd5

. aphex twin - richard d. james .
(11.1996 warp warplp43) 12"
a1  4
a2  cornish acid
a3  peek 824545201
a4  fingerbib
a5  corn mouth
b1  to cure a weakling child
b2  goon gumpas
b3  yellow calx
b4  girl boy song
b5  logon rock witch
warplp43a warplp43b

. aphex twin - come to daddy .
(10.1997 warp wap94cd / rtd 126.3383.2) cd
01  00:02:00  04:21:37  come to daddy, pappy mix
02  04:23:37  02:57:15  flim
03  07:20:52  03:50:10  come to daddy, little lord faulteroy mix
04  11:10:62  05:45:60  bucephalus bouncing ball
05  16:56:47  05:10:28  to cure a weakling child, contour regard
06  22:07:00  03:56:00  funny little man
07  26:03:00  04:23:00  come to daddy, mummy mix
08  30:26:00  02:57:32  iz-us
cd  33:21:32
rtd12633832cd1 rtd12633832cd2 rtd12633832cd3 rtd12633832cd4 rtd12633832cd5

. aphex twin - come to daddy .
(10.1997 warp wap94) 12"
a1  come to daddy (pappy mix)
a2  flim
b1  come to daddy (Little Lord Faulteroy)
b2  bucephalus bouncing ball
wap94a wap94b

. aphex twin - come to viddy .
(1997 warp wap94v) vhs
donkey rhubarb
come to daddy, director's cut
wap94v1 wap94v2 wap94v5

. afx - analogue bubblebath 3 .
(1993/11.1997 rephlex cat008cd) cd
01  00:02:35  03:54:15  .215061
02  03:56:50  08:02:67  .1993841
03  11:59:42  04:16:13  .0180871a
04  16:15:55  04:36:70  .942937
05  20:52:50  03:52:47  .0180871b
06  24:45:22  04:48:23  .000890569
07  29:33:45  04:20:20  .55278037732581
08  33:53:65  04:05:47  untitled (fluted)
09  37:59:37  05:06:43  ---
10  43:06:05  00:36:02  afx 6/b
11  43:42:07  04:41:58  ---
12  48:23:65  00:53:67  ---
13  49:17:57  05:14:53  ---
cd  54:30:35
cat008cd1 cat008cd2 cat008cd5

. afx - analogue bubblebath vol.3 .
(1993/09.2002 rephlex cat008lp / efa 21703-1) 3x12"
cat008lp2002lp1 cat008lp2002lp2
cat008lp2002a cat008lp2002b cat008lp2002c cat008lp2002d

. afx - analogue bubblebath vol 3.1 .
(1997 rephlex cat00897) 12"
cat00897a cat00897b

. afx - analogue bubblebath 3 .
(1993 rephlex / 02.1998 sony japan srcs 8527) cd
01  00:02:00  03:55:52  .215061
02  03:57:52  08:01:28  .1993841
03  11:59:05  04:17:02  .0180871r
04  16:16:07  04:37:43  .942937
05  20:53:50  03:52:12  .0180871l
06  24:45:62  04:47:48  .000890569
07  29:33:35  04:21:25  .55279037732581
08  33:54:60  04:05:57  (cat 00897-aa1)
09  38:00:42  05:06:38  (cat 00897-a1)
10  43:07:05  00:35:25  afx 6/b
11  43:42:30  04:41:62  (cd only track #1)
12  48:24:17  00:53:58  (cd only track #2)
13  49:18:00  05:15:45  (cat 00897-a2)
cd  54:31:45

. afx - analogue bubblebath 4 .
(1994/05.1998 rephlex cat019cd) cd
01  00:02:00  06:22:00
02  06:24:00  06:04:40
03  12:28:40  05:08:10
04  17:36:50  08:21:35
05  25:58:10  00:27:45
cd  26:23:55
cat019cd1 cat019cd2 cat019cd3

. afx - analogue bubblebath 4 .
(1994 rephlex cat019ep) 12"
cat019epa cat019epb
cat019ep1 cat019ep2

. caustic window compilation .
(1993/05.1998 rephlex cat 009 cd) cd
01  00:02:00  04:30:05  joyrex j4
02  04:32:05  01:21:07  afx 114
03  05:53:12  04:44:20  cordialatron
04  10:37:32  04:25:55  italic eyeball
05  15:03:12  00:23:05  pigeon street
06  15:26:17  05:29:15  astroblaster
07  20:55:32  05:06:10  on the romance tip
08  26:01:42  06:54:58  joyrex j5
09  32:56:25  06:02:37  fantasia
10  38:58:62  05:42:58  humanoid must not escape
11  44:41:45  03:24:67  clay hill dub
12  48:06:37  06:10:13  the garden of linmiri
13  54:16:50  03:59:17  we are the music makers (hardcore mix)
cd 58:13:67
cat009cd1 cat009cd2 cat009cd3 cat009cd4 cat009cd5

. caustic window - caustic window compilation .
(1993/2002 rephlex cat009lp / efa 51709-1) 3x12"
a1  joyrex j4 ep
c1  joyrex j5 ep
e1  joyrex j9 ep
cat009lp2002lp1 cat009lp2002lp2

. aphex twin - windowlicker anno domini nineteenninetynine .
(03.1999 warp wap05cal / 5021603105096) calendar

. aphex twin - windowlicker .
(03.1999 warp wap105cd) cd
01  00:02:00  06:07:40  windowlicker 
02  06:09:40  05:47:07  
03  11:56:47  04:13:60  nannou
cd  16:08:32
wap105cd1 wap105cd2 wap105cd3 wap105cd4 wap105cd5

. aphex twin - windowlicker .
(03.1999 warp wap105cdr) cd-extra
01  00:02:00  02:39:12  windowlicker (originaldemo)
..  02:41:12  02:30:00  
02  05:11:12  38:43:60  windowlicker [10:33] (quicktimemovieformacandpc) 
cd  43:52:72
wap105cdr1 wap105cdr2 wap105cdr3 wap105cdr4 wap105cdr5

. v/vm - helpaphextwin / 1.0 - we don't give a shit... .
(05.2001 v/vm test records hat01) 3"cd
01  00:02:00  04:02:35  WINDuckyQuaCKer
02  04:04:35  02:36:70  naVal buV baLm 3.1a
03  06:41:30  03:02:61  bouncing brinnington meat + hag0balls
04  09:44:16  02:47:00  laughing all the way to his TANK
05  12:31:16  04:07:59  henTOLyn goose-fat / rub^scratch/
06  16:39:00  03:28:70  hoegaarden slop itch
07  20:07:70  00:31:65  if i were a rickyham
cd  20:37:60
hat01cd2 hat01cd1

. v/vm - helpaphextwin / 2.0 - ...because you don't give a fuck .
(05.2001 v/vm test records hat02) 3"cd
01  00:02:00  05:07:22  coMe^to*big Daddy vS giANt Haystack-tag teamV7.21v
02  05:09:22  04:17:22  Vassib de-ferret sence
03  09:26:44  02:50:03  boots'N'Skirt stockport-beef/style
04  12:16:47  05:18:25  sageandonion stuffin GGG/g
05  17:34:72  02:49:50  mONe/y talks^dirty cash/afx=we/rp-sBekt
cd  20:22:47
[note: these two 3" cd's are v/vm, not aphex twin!]
hat02cd2 hat02cd1

. 2 remixes by afx .
(30.07.2001 men1cd / efa 80712-2) cd
01  00:02:00  04:59:41  
02  05:01:41  06:30:14  
03  11:31:55  01:58:28  
cd  13:28:08
2 excellent, new percussive/melodic recordings
by afx in the style of afx
a track 1: 120 bpm / 4'59 /
bears the inscription 'squidged out at the bank by afx'.
b track 2: 168 bpm / 6'30 /
cockney raver's voice halfway thru track, recounting his experiences of 'e'.
b track 3: bonus high frequency sounds.
men1cd6 men1cd0

. aphex twin - drukqs 2 track promo .
(08.2001 warp drukqs01) cd
01  00:02:00  06:02:15  54 cymru beats (argonaut mix) 
02  06:04:15  05:07:30  cock 10 (delco freedom mix) 
cd  11:09:45            
© 2001 - recorded at the bank
drukqs1cd5 drukqs1cd0

. aphex twin - drukqs 5 track promo .
(2001 warp warpcd92p) cd
01  00:02:00  02:23:58  
02  02:25:58  07:14:01  
03  09:39:59  02:05:33  
04  11:45:17  06:24:04  
05  18:09:21  03:25:33  
cd  21:32:54
warpcd92pcd1 warpcd92pcd2 warpcd92pcd3

. aphex twin - drukqs .
(10.2001 warp warpcd92 / rtd 126.3568.2) 2xcd
01  00:10:00  02:23:66  junweythek
02  02:33:66  04:51:29  vordhosbn
03  07:25:20  02:06:49  kladfvgbung micshk
04  09:31:69  04:52:36  omgyja-switch
05  14:24:30  02:12:12  strathatyne
06  16:36:42  05:08:08  gwely mernans
07  21:44:50  02:33:24  bbydhyonchord
08  24:17:74  05:18:25  cock/ver10
09  29:36:24  02:05:39  avril 14th
10  31:41:63  08:10:31  mt. saint michel + saint michaels mount
11  39:52:19  06:46:64  gwarek 2
12  46:39:08  01:35:01  orban cq trx 4
13  48:14:09  00:13:01  aussois
14  48:27:10  02:14:53  hy a scullyas lyf adhagrow
15  50:41:63  01:21:08  kesson dalet
..  52:02:71  02:32:00
16  54:34:71  01:40:00  [copy-protection]
17  56:14:71  00:08:00  [copy-protection]
cd  56:20:71

01  00:10:00  06:06:68  54 cymru beats
02  06:16:68  01:58:32  btoum-roumada
03  08:15:25  00:31:07  lornaderek
04  08:46:32  01:27:35  qkthr
05  10:13:67  06:24:08  meltphacc 6
06  16:38:00  00:25:25  prep gwarlek 36
07  17:03:25  01:19:25  bit 4
08  18:22:50  00:57:09  father
09  19:19:59  07:14:01  taking control
10  26:33:60  02:11:26  petiatil cx htdui
11  28:45:11  01:49:21  ruglen holon
12  30:34:32  04:23:06  afx 237 v.7
13  34:57:38  08:35:26  ziggomatic 17
14  43:32:64  02:10:20  besk hu 3epnm
15  45:43:09  03:25:14  nanou 2
..  49:08:23  02:32:00
16  51:40:23  01:40:00  [copy-protection]
17  53:20:23  00:08:00  [copy-protection]
cd  53:26:23
rtd12635682cd1 rtd12635682cd2 rtd12635682cd3 rtd12635682cd4 rtd12635682cd5 rtd12635682cd6

. aphex twin - drukqs .
(us 10.2001 sire 31174-2 / warp) 2xcd
01  00:02:32  02:23:25  junweythek
02  02:25:57  04:51:30  vordhosbn
03  07:17:12  02:06:48  kladfvgbung micshk
04  09:23:60  04:52:37  omgyja-switch
05  14:16:22  02:12:13  strathatyne
06  16:28:35  05:08:10  gwely mernans
07  21:36:45  02:33:22  bbydhyonchord
08  24:09:67  05:18:25  cock/ver10
09  29:28:17  02:05:40  avril 14th
10  31:33:57  08:10:30  mt. saint michel + saint michaels mount
11  39:44:12  06:46:68  gwarek 2
12  46:31:05  01:35:00  orban cq trx 4
13  48:06:05  00:12:70  aussois
14  48:19:00  02:14:57  hy a scullyas lyf adhagrow
15  50:33:57  01:19:40  kesson dalet
cd  51:51:22

01  00:02:32  06:06:68  54 cymru beats
02  06:09:25  01:58:30  btoum-roumada
03  08:07:55  00:31:22  lornaderek
04  08:39:02  01:27:23  qkthr
05  10:06:25  06:24:22  meltphacc 6
06  16:30:47  00:25:10  prep gwarlek 36
07  16:55:57  01:19:25  bit 4
08  18:15:07  00:57:08  father
09  19:12:15  07:14:02  taking control
10  26:26:17  02:11:25  petiatil cx htdui
11  28:37:42  01:49:20  ruglen holon
12  30:26:62  04:23:08  afx 237 v.7
13  34:49:70  08:35:27  ziggomatic 17
14  43:25:22  02:10:18  besk hu 3epnm
15  45:35:40  03:24:22  nanou 2
cd  48:57:62

. aphex twin - drukqs .
(09.2002 warp warplp92x / 801061809218) 4x12" heavyweight vinyl

a1  jynweythek                             f1  54 cymru beats
a2  vordhosbn                              f2  btoum-roumada
a3  kladfvgbung micshk                     f3  lornaderek
a4  strotha tynhe                          f4  penty harmonium
b1  omgyjya-switch7                        f5  prep gwarlek 36        
b2  gwely mernans                          f6  father      
c1  cock/ver10                             f7  petiatil cx htdui
c2  bbydhyonchord                          g1  meltphacc 6
c3  orban eq trx4                          g2  bit4
d1  mt saint michel + st michaels mount    g3  taking control
d2  beskhu3epnm                            g4  ruglen holon
e1  aussois                                h1  afx237 v7
e2  hy a scullyas lyf a dhagrow            h2  ziggomatic v17
e3  kesson dalef                           h3  nanou 2
e4  avril 14th
e5  gwarek2
warplp92xsticker1 warplp92xbox2upc
warplp92xbox3 warplp92xbox1 warplp92xbox2 warplp92xcardboard warplp92xa warplp92xb warplp92xc warplp92xd warplp92xe warplp92xf warplp92xg warplp92xh warplp92xcards1 warplp92xposter1
warplp92xposter2 warplp92xposter3

warplp92p_postcard1 warplp92p_postcard2

. aphex twin - 26 mixes for cash .
(2003 warp warpcd102 / rtd 126.4051.2) cd
01  00:02:00  01:04:60  seefeel - time to find me (afx fast mix)
02  01:06:60  07:28:45  gavin bryars - raising the titanic (big drum mix)
03  08:35:30  05:36:20  gentle people - journey (aphex twin care mix)
04  14:11:50  03:59:65  kinesthesia - triachus (mix by aphex twin)
05  18:11:40  04:40:32  philip glass - heroes (aphex twin remix)
06  22:51:72  06:34:13  buck tick - in the glitter part 2 (aphex twin mix)
07  29:26:10  04:00:20  jesus jones - zeroes and ones (aphex twin reconstruction #2)
08  33:26:30  02:47:67  nav katze - change (aphex twin mix #2)
09  36:14:22  06:30:25  saint etienne - your head my voice (voix revirement)
10  42:44:47  06:03:08  the beatniks - une femme n'est pas un homme (aphex twin mix)
11  48:47:55  02:01:05  nine inch nails - the beauty of being numb section b (created by aphex twin)
12  50:48:60  03:41:15  nobukazu takemura - let my fish loose (aphex twin remix)
cd  71:51:65

01  00:02:00  03:23:65  die fantastischen vier - krieger (aphex twin baldhu mix)
02  03:25:65  03:50:43  phillip boa & the voodoo club - deep in velvet (aphex twin turnips mix)
03  07:16:33  07:41:04  curve - falling free (aphex twin remix)
04  14:57:37  04:23:48  mescalinum united - we have arrived (aphex twin qqt mix)
05  19:21:10  03:49:16  nine inch nails - at the heart of it all (created by aphex twin)
06  23:10:26  04:59:55    remix by afx
07  28:10:06  04:15:42  aphex twin - windowlicker (acid edit)
08  32:25:48  06:51:03  baby ford - normal (helston flora remix by afx)
09  39:16:51  06:30:59  aphex twin - saw2 cd1 trk2 (original mix)
10  45:47:35  03:42:23  meat beat manifesto - mindstream (the aphex twin remix)
11  49:29:58  05:05:16  dmx krew - you can't hide your love (hidden love mix)
12  54:34:74  06:57:54  wagon christ - spotlight (aphex twin mix)
13  61:32:53  05:50:36  mike flowers pops - debase (soft palate)
cd  67:21:14
rtd12640512cd1 rtd12640512cd2 rtd12640512cd3

. afx - smojphace ep .
(2003 men 2 cd / efa 80736-2) black cd
01  00:02:00  05:06:00  1. run the place red (afx mix) 
                           original by the bug & daddy freddy
02  05:08:00  07:29:40  2. ktpa1
03  12:37:40  03:38:16  3. ktpa2
cd  16:13:56
men2cd1 men2cd4 men2cd5

. afx - smojphace ep .
(2003 men 2 / efa 80736-6) 12"
a1  run the place red (afx mix) 
    original by the bug & daddy freddy
b1  ktpa1
b2  ktpa2
men2 sticker

. afx - analord 01 .
(01.2005 rephlex analord 01) 12"
a1  steppingfilter
a2  canticle drawl
a3  mc-4 acid
b1  where's your girlfriend
b2  grumpy acid
b3  anaload
analord01a analord01b

. afx - analord 02 .
(01.2005 rephlex analord 02) 12"
a1  phonatacid
a2  laricheard
b1  pissed up in sel
b2  bwoon dub
analord02a analord02b

. afx - analord 03 .
(02.2005 rephlex analord 03) 12"
a1  boxingday  
a2  midievilrave 1  
b1  klopjob  
b2  midievilrave 2  
analord03a analord03b

. afx - analord 04 .
(02.2005 rephlex analord 04) 12"
a1  crying in your face 
a2  home made polysynth 
b1  halibut acid 
b2  breath march 
analord04a analord04b

. afx - analord 05 .
(03.2005 rephlex analord 05) 12"
a1  reunion 2 
b1  cilonen
analord05a analord05b

. afx - analord 06 .
(04.2005 rephlex analord 06) 12"
a1 batine acid 
a2  snivel chew
b1  i'm self employed
b2  2 analogue talks
b3  analoggins
analord06a analord06b

. afx - analord 07 .
(04.2005 rephlex analord 07) 12"
a1  lisbon acid
b1  pitcard
b2  afx acid 04
analord07a analord07b

. afx - analord 08 .
(05.2005 rephlex analord 08) 12"
a1  pwsteal.ldpinch.d
a2  bakdoor.berbew.q
b1  w32.deadcode.a
b2  backdoor.spyboter.a
analord08a analord08b

. afx - analord 09 .
(06.2005 rephlex analord 09) 12"
a1  pwsteal.bancos.q
a2  trojan.killav.e
b1  w32.aphex@mm
b2  backdoor.netshadow
analord09a analord09b

. aphex twin - analord 10 .
(07.2005 rephlex analord 10) 12" picture disc
a1  fenix funk 5
b1  xmd 5a
analord10a analord10b

. afx - analord 11 .
(06.2005 rephlex analord 11) 12"
a1  w32.mydoom.au@mm
b1  vbs.redlof.b
b2  backdoor.ranky.s
analord11a analord11b

. afx - hangable auto bulb .
(10.2005 warp warpcd138) cd
01  00:02:00  05:22:34  children talking (5.20)
02  05:24:34  06:52:54  hangable auto bulb (6.49)
03  12:17:13  03:02:15  laughable butane bob (2.58)
04  15:19:28  00:11:08  bit (0.06)
05  15:30:36  04:30:40  custodian discount (4.26)
06  20:01:01  05:35:08  wabby legs (5.30)
07  25:36:09  03:50:33  every day (5.21)
08  29:26:42  05:23:15  arched maid via rdj (3.48)
cd  34:47:57
[n.b. tracktitle text listed here as on cover]
warpcd138cd1 warpcd138cd2

. afx - chosen lords .
(2006 rephlex cat 173 cd) cd
01  00:02:00  05:06:17  aphex twin - fenix funk 5 (analord 10 a)
02  05:08:17  05:15:70  afx - reunion 2 (analord 05 a)
03  10:24:12  06:25:59  afx - pitcard (analord 07 b1)
04  16:49:71  04:29:54  afx - crying in your face (analord 04 a1)
05  21:19:50  05:32:39  afx - klopjob (analord 03 b1)
06  26:52:14  06:50:01  afx - boxing day (analord 03 a1)
07  33:42:15  05:34:10  afx - batine acid (analord 06 a1)
08  39:16:25  05:42:27  afx - cilonen (analord 05 b)
09  44:58:52  03:48:14  afx - pwsteal.ldpinch.d (analord 08 a1)
10  48:46:66  07:58:09  aphex twin - xmd 5a (analord 10 b)
cd  56:53:00
cat173cd1 cat173cd2
cat173cd5 cat173cd4 cat173cd3

. aphex twin - collapse ep .
(09.2018 warp records wap423-x / 0801061842314) 12"
a1  t69 collapse
a2  1st 44
b1  mt1 t28r2
b2  abundance10edit [2 r8's, fz20m + a 909]
limited first edition
contains download code (including bonus track pthex)
wap423xlp8 wap423xlp9 wap423xlp7


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