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wolf's kompaktkiste

. freeform .

= . simon pyke .

+ . nudge .

. freeform .



. freeform - elastic speakers .
(1995 worm interface wi02) cd
01  00:02:00  06:35:08  unit 
02  06:37:08  03:43:17  reflection : cone 
03  10:20:25  05:04:50  bubbled 
04  15:25:00  06:56:15  ect 
05  22:21:15  03:47:18  infinite timer 
06  26:08:33  04:52:20  backspace 
07  31:00:53  00:52:20  re:1 
08  31:52:73  04:24:72  gammon fonk 
09  36:17:70  05:11:28  opp : expone 
10  41:29:23  04:55:67  nenne : int13 
11  46:25:15  06:25:55  evolve 
12  52:50:70  08:40:23  junction 
13  61:31:18  02:26:60  arch re 
14  63:58:03  11:14:35  corde
cd  75:10:38
wi002cd0 wi002cd7
wi002cd5 wi002cd6 wi002cd1 wi002cd2 wi002cd3

. freeform - heterarchy .
(1996 worm interface wi se01) cd
01  00:02:00  03:54:42  culk 
02  03:56:42  01:19:53  late surface
03  05:16:20  06:56:47  caniton web
04  12:12:67  06:27:73  abscence
05  18:40:65  01:37:27  blot
06  20:18:17  08:26:63  vent
07  28:45:05  06:27:05  anti zok
08  35:12:10  02:22:27  sectors
09  37:34:37  03:31:65  unres
10  41:06:27  10:55:53  relocation
11  52:02:05  09:21:30  namme
12  61:23:35  05:44:72  o
cd  67:06:32
wise01cd5 wise01cd6 wise01cd3 wise01cd4 wise01cd1 wise01cd2

. freeform - palavalamp / wakkersticks .
(199x worm interface wi010) 12"
a   palavalamp 
aa  wakkersticks 
wi010a wi010b

. freeform - prowl .
(20.05.1996 warp wap73cd) cd
01  00:02:00  09:03:17  prowl
02  09:05:17  08:21:65  lebanon
03  17:27:07  06:10:40  sticks
04  23:37:47  07:06:53  brieflei
cd  30:42:25
wap73cd1 wap73cd2 wap73cd3 wap73cd4 wap73cd5

. freeform - prowl .
(05.1996 warp wap 73) 2x12"
one  a  prowl
     b  lebanon
two  c  sticks
     d  brieflei
all tracks recorded by simon pyke at the freefarm
wap073lp1 wap073lp2

. freeform - pa.tteRN/: [tub] .
(10.1998 headphone h001) cd
01  00:02:30  03:55:66  upuntia
02  03:58:21  05:31:31  know
03  09:29:52  09:07:30  poundland
04  18:37:07  10:55:20  cautious persuit
05  29:32:27  04:55:65  a-symetric
06  34:28:17  07:23:09  dlr
07  41:51:26  03:32:49  monza lecta
08  45:24:00  14:43:72  my window
cd  60:05:72
h001cd5 h001cd6 h001cd3 h001cd4 h001cd1 h001cd2

. freeform - me shape .
(1999 sprawl imprint sp-029) cd
01  00:02:00  07:50:42  yours sincerely
02  07:52:42  02:57:31  munchogram
03  10:49:73  03:51:31  blip
04  14:41:29  07:10:06  zing
05  21:51:35  04:01:07  arial automatic
06  25:52:42  08:31:71  konk
07  34:24:38  05:53:14  meng
08  40:17:52  06:07:15  foil
09  46:24:67  09:40:71  superfink
10  56:05:63  05:28:04  gni
11  61:33:67  00:41:14  tangle
12  62:15:06  06:24:23  hey
cd  68:37:29
sprawl029cd11 sprawl029cd12 sprawl029cd13 sprawl029cd14 sprawl029cd3 sprawl029cd4 sprawl029cd5 sprawl029cd6

. freeform - green park .
(2000 sub rosa / quatermass sr149 / efa 10768-2) cd
01  00:02:00  02:35:12  tired of waiting
02  02:37:12  02:04:00  precision clownage
03  04:41:12  05:08:62  windup
04  09:49:74  04:58:04  sopping wet
05  14:48:03  06:33:64  twentytwo
06  21:21:67  03:45:37  spinder
07  25:07:29  02:41:12  wait4me!
08  27:48:41  11:54:70  cravina for grey
09  39:43:36  04:24:65  tin
10  44:08:26  05:18:49  hope you like it [2:44]
..                      an aerial view [0:35]
cd  49:25:00
sr149cd1 sr149cd2 sr149cd3 sr149cd4 sr149cd5

. freeform - a.t. home ep .
(05.2001 quatermass qs12102 / efa 27655-6) 12"
other side  45rpm  *   1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,(12)
this side   45rpm  **  crosstalk
                   *** it sped

. freeform - audiotourism vietnam and china .
(03.2002 quatermass qs117 / efa 27677-2) cd + cd-extra
01  00:02:39  04:57:09  jan jelinek - traffic echoes
02  04:59:48  04:02:39  tal - chin haouss tin pak
03  09:02:12  05:50:61  shudo - we made you, we can destroy you
04  14:52:73  05:18:38  mash'ta - buddhistgroovemaster
05  20:11:36  07:19:33  bill laswell - lost world
06  27:30:69  04:01:71  atom™ - audiotourist
07  31:32:65  03:28:15  colongib & octopus inc. - a.t. reform
08  35:01:05  07:39:63  autechre - a.t.
cd  42:38:68            reinterpretations

01  00:02:00  04:19:69  scene one
02  04:21:69  01:47:53  scene two 
03  06:09:47  05:46:71  scene three
04  11:56:43  04:25:19  scene four
05  16:21:62  02:56:11  scene five
06  19:17:73  05:30:47  scene six
..  24:48:45  02:32:00
07  27:20:45  00:55:29  [interactive piece for mac / pc computers]  
cd  28:13:74            sources
qs117cd9 qs117cd0
qs117cd1 qs117cd2 qs117cd3 qs117cd4 qs117cd5 qs117cd6 qs117cd7 qs117cd8

. freeform - human .
(12.2002 skam skald4 / efa 20659-2) cd
01  00:02:00  04:37:74  big top
02  04:39:74  06:40:62  crumble
03  11:20:61  01:54:43  software exaggeration
04  13:15:29  03:28:24  human
05  16:43:53  05:02:55  nylon
06  21:46:33  06:59:07  stander
07  28:45:40  04:54:00  mango
08  33:39:40  02:05:64  rain
09  35:45:29  06:06:74  you should get out more
10  41:52:28  00:31:02  spoob
11  42:23:30  06:09:69  ticataca
12  48:33:24  01:34:01  1x distant babbling brook
13  50:07:25  04:49:09  rattle 
14  54:56:34  00:20:69  yum yum
cd  55:15:28
skald4cd0 skald4cd6
skald4cd1 skald4cd2 skald4cd3 skald4cd4 skald4cd5

. freeform - human .
(12.2002 skam skald4)¹ 2x12"
a1  big top
a2  crumble
a3  software exaggeration
b1  human
b2  nylon
b3  stander
c1  mango
c2  rain
c3  you should get out more
d1  spoob
d2  ticataca
d3  1x distant babbling brook
d4  rattle
d5  yum yum
a b
c d

. freeform - condensed .
(03.2003 nonplace non12 / efa 27312-2 / 718752731225) cd
01  00:02:00  06:02:59  ect               [elastic speakers]
02  06:04:59  04:47:53  craving for grey  [green park]
03  10:52:37  04:25:62  foil              [me shape]
04  15:18:24  03:54:35  spandoe           [invisible soundtracks macro 3]
05  19:12:59  02:50:00  cautious persuit  [pattern tub]
06  22:02:59  01:55:43  sopping wet       [green park]
07  23:58:27  02:33:42  munchogram        [me shape]
08  26:31:69  04:47:41  sceptic optimist  [leaf compilation (skintone)]
09  31:19:35  04:27:35  phu qouc          [audiotourism vietnam and china]
10  35:46:70  03:14:31  upuntia           [pattern tub]
11  39:01:26  03:50:48  lijiang           [audiotourism vietnam and china]
12  42:51:74  02:11:52  monza lecta       [pattern tub]
13  45:03:51  06:48:38  poundland         [pattern tub]
cd  51:50:14
all tracks formed by simon pyke 1995-2002
vocals on monza lecta by iris garrelfs
05 06 07 12 13 appear on cd only, all other tracks are available on vinyl (nonplace 27312-1 lp)
compiled and edited by b. friedman. remastered by raschad becker (d&m)
artwork sticker by el ebno. cartoons: bernie the bolt
nonplace12cd10 nonplace12cd17 nonplace12cd5 nonplace12cd6 nonplace12cd2 nonplace12cd1 nonplace12cd3

. freeform - wildcat ep .
(05.2004 skam ska024cd) cd
01  00:02:00  02:01:42  gone and left the city
02  02:03:42  05:44:29  nothing to say
03  07:47:71  05:17:17  wildcat
04  13:05:13  05:15:67  skim + skiffle
05  18:21:05  05:59:67  quadrumble
06  24:20:72  04:27:12  dont put me in
cd  28:46:09
ska024cd1 ska024cd2 ska024cd3 ska024cd4

. freeform - wildcat ep .
(05.2004 skam ska024) 12"
a1  gone and left the city
a2  nothing to say
a3  wildcat
b1  skim + skiffle
b2  quadrumble
b3  dont put me in
a b

. freeform - outside in .
(2005 skam skald014) cd
01  00:02:00  02:42:22  wild stew
02  02:44:22  05:51:04  taking me over
03  08:35:26  05:43:54  this is your life
04  14:19:05  06:28:02  follow your shadow
05  20:47:07  05:36:71  don't wait up
06  26:24:03  03:35:02  walk
07  29:59:05  03:19:40  eating weather
08  33:18:45  06:31:09  carnival
09  39:49:54  02:43:02  magic tap
10  42:32:56  05:02:64  puzzle
11  47:35:45  02:23:15  everything changes
12  49:58:60  04:43:15  wonderplucks
cd  54:40:00
skald14cd1 skald14cd2 skald14cd3 skald14cd5

. freeform - outside in .
(2005 skam skalp014) 2x12"
a1   wild stew
a2   taking me over
a3   this is your life
b4   follow your shadow
b5   don't wait up
b6   walk
c7   eating weather
c8   carnival
c9   magic tap
d10  puzzle
d11  everything changes
d12  wonderplucks
a b
c d


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